8/31 SERMAISES 307公里,698羽幼鴿一口氣拿下1~8名。冠軍是「羅比」的妹妹;亞軍是「卡米洛」鴿王省賽冠軍的孫 Very good result 08/31/20 SERMAISES 307 km. The pigeon that won the 1st prize is a sister Robby. The pigeon that won the 2nd prize is a daughter Jane and granddaughter Camillo.
這兩隻都是「塔碧斯」的直子 1.「巴卡」2020巴塞隆納五年績優最佳賽鴿4名! 2.「紅波品納」去年波品納全國24,今年全國71名 我的拍賣2&11號鴿是塔碧斯小孩,10號鴿是塔碧斯孫。 These pigeons are children from my "TARBES" pigeon 2 & 11 in the auction are also children from "TARBES" pigeon 10 in the auction is a grandson from "TARBES"