Debug: Select * from ( Select Top 20 * from ( select Top 20 *, left(title, 11) as TitleForDisplay, '' as PicRoot, '' as IssueDateForDisplay, '' as CityAfterUrlEncode, '' as ContentForDisplay, 'N' as ShowIPCount, 'N' as Auth From [V_fotoArticle_Main_List_WithIPCount] With (nolock) Where [EN_Category] = 300 and [Segment_Id] = 1 and [Page_Id] = 1 and [Is_Delete] = N'N' and [Is_Hidden] = N'N' and [Article_Type_Id] = 1 and ((IssueDate < getdate())) order by Is_Top desc, OrderNo desc, LastResponseDate desc, IssueDate desc, id desc ) AS T1 order by Is_Top, OrderNo, LastResponseDate, IssueDate, id ) AS T2 order by Is_Top desc, OrderNo desc, LastResponseDate desc, IssueDate desc, id desc