Vac公棚秘書Attila,說原預定決賽放鴿地點Dubec 417.09km天候非常不穩定,厚的濃霧以及回來下雨濕度高,因此公棚決定改到大比泰什Velka Bites272公里放鴿。Hllo,Final race was yesterday. The dist.,reduced because of unexpected weather conditions on release point which was the same in the area too. They have strong fog and humidity. On the way back some shower
8.17訓練12公里、8.21訓練20公里 如果天氣條件適當, 每週三和週五都訓練. We have trainings on ondays,Wednesdays and Fridays depending on the weather conditions.歡迎搜尋看FCI匈牙利公棚訓放影片連結請點我
FCI世錦賽匈牙利VAC公棚8/15開始 6公里訓練賽,110個各國鴿舍547羽參賽。進鴿鴿照,歡迎參閱 Hello,They have started clocking of birds. There is a very short distance clocking and this week other will come. Please see some images attached.Bestregards, Attila