台灣的朋友,上週707公里的蒙特利馬,巴特使翔荷蘭鴿飛出全國14位,同時好友Hok則使用巴特的鴿子黑影直孫飛出全國50位!! Dear Taiwan friends, last weekend we won 14e National Montelimar 707km (17-1605654) and 50e National Montelimar (17-2018955) Grandchild 1e National Barcelona and raced by Hok Rommelaere
On middle distance with the young birds we win 2,3,5,7,9,10 in tyhe club and in the federation we start with 7,8,... very hard race because of the hard head wind and high tempatures.
安娜密贏得布利福全國區冠軍-全國5位+14位好成績^^ Dear Ivy,Please find in attach Brive, 633 km from last Saturday.category old birds Reg.ional :1,2,4,6,9,12,16,48,50 (9/20) yearlings : ,4,7,10,11,12,15,17,21,27,29,34 (12/23)1° Nat.Z A1 872p.+5°Nat.9278 old birds and 3° A1 +14°Nat.